We’re always looking for new voices and new ideas to add to the SED community. Through our SED Talks, Seminars, Retreats and other events , we take those great ideas and help them grow — but they start with your suggestions. Use SED-Talk social media or our contact page to let us know about the most exciting, talented people in your network
Be a SEDX.ORG Speaker
Prepare a 10 to 15 minute talk on a topic related to Sustainability, Environment and Development, with slides if you wish. Present and record it on zoom but ensure you add the above banner image (see also on sedx.org) as a zoom background. Contact us when complete and we’ll explain how to transfer the mp4 recording to us via Dropbox. It will be uploaded to the SEDX page on YouTube and embedded into the SEDX.ORG website.
Organize a local SED event
Think of a SED Talk as hosting an awesome dinner party, with great food, inspirational videos, brilliant speakers and mind-blowing conversation. By organizing a SED Talk, seminar, retreat or other event, you will have the opportunity to create a truly unique event that will unleash new ideas, inspire and inform on Sustainability, Environment and Development.